PIGPD as a partner of Wood Tech Warsaw Expo

PIGPD as a partner of Wood Tech Warsaw Expo
We are pleased to announce that the Polish Chamber of Commerce of the Wood Industry has become a Partner of the Fair of Wood Processing Technology and Furniture Production – Wood Tech Warsaw Expo 2021. The premiere edition of the event will take place on May 12-14, 2021 at Ptak Warsaw Expo.
On March 8, 2021 at Ptak Waraw Expo, a meeting was held, attended by: Mr. Rafał Szefler, director of the Polish Chamber of Commerce for Wood Industry and representatives of the Trade Fair and Congress Center: Mrs. Alicja Płatek, director of the project group and Mr. Dariusz Drąg, director of the project group and development director at Ptak Warsaw Expo. The result of the meeting is the establishment of cooperation between the Chamber and Wood Tech Warsaw Expo.
As part of the cooperation, the Polish Chamber of Commerce of the Wood Industry will actively support the organizers in the implementation of the event, including: participation in the conference and conducting activities aimed at disseminating information about the fair. The Wood Processing Technology and Furniture Production Fair received the recommendation of the Chamber, which encourages you to participate in an event dedicated to representatives of the wood industry.
The Polish Chamber of Commerce for the Wood Industry has existed since 1992. It is one of the largest nationwide economic self-government organizations in the wood industry. PIGPD currently associates nearly 150 companies. Most of them are sawmill enterprises, but there are also producers of garden architecture, floors, pallets, wooden houses, machines and tools, traders, etc. These are both the largest entities in the country, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises. All entities are equal members of the Chamber. Its main tasks include carrying out activities aimed at maintaining the dynamics of industrial development. To this end, it is crucial to take steps to ensure the stability of wood supply to the industry, support the implementation of modern solutions and technologies, and support in the sale of products and market expansion.
The mission of PIGPD is to actively support the development of the broadly understood Polish wood industry, the integration of producers and cooperation between them. The same idea guides the organizers of the fair, which are an excellent opportunity to learn about market trends and novelties, acquire valuable know-how, as well as expand their network of contacts and build lasting business relationships. We are convinced that in cooperation with the Polish Chamber of Commerce for Wood Industry, the Wood Tech Warsaw Expo will be an excellent platform for the promotion of the Polish wood industry and the dynamization of many processes in the Polish industry.
Wood Tech Warsaw Expo 2021

Wood Tech Warsaw Expo 2021
On May 12-14, 2021, a unique wood industry fair will take place at Ptak Warsaw Expo. Wood Tech Warsaw Expo is a must-see event for all companies and specialists related to wood processing and furniture production.
The Wood Processing Technology and Furniture Production Fair has its source in the International Fair of Innovative Industrial Solutions – Warsaw Industry Week, which has been successfully held at Ptak Warsaw Expo for 6 years. Initially, wood processing was one of the zones of industrial fairs, but due to the dynamic development of the event and suggestions from exhibitors – we decided to organize a separate fair, dedicated exclusively to the wood and furniture industry.
Wood Tech Warsaw Expo is a place for direct knowledge and experience exchange, as well as a platform for establishing new business contacts. The fair will be a great opportunity for dialogue between suppliers of woodworking techniques and technology, as well as representatives of carpentry and furniture companies. On May 12-14, producers, importers, traders, distributors, processors and end users of wood industry products will meet at Ptak Warsaw Expo.
Why is it worth it?
• The largest producer base in Poland
• Strengthening the company’s image
• New business contacts
• The international nature of the event
• Numerous conferences, lectures and training
• Extensive promotional campaign
The excellent location of the Ptak Warsaw Expo Trade Fair and Congress Center will allow you to easily bring any type of equipment and even the heaviest machines to the facility, as well as ensure easy access to the event of contractors from every corner of Poland and all over Europe. During the 3 days of the fair, the latest products, technologies and solutions on the market will be exhibited at Ptak Warsaw Expo. The huge exhibition area dedicated to the organization of the event will allow you to present a wide range of equipment, machines and tools for woodworking and furniture production. Participants will be able to observe a dynamic presentation of forestry machinery and equipment for forestry in the interior and exterior in a special Forest Zone, or see a comprehensive offer related to buildings and structures made of wood as well as materials for buildings and wooden structures, in a dedicated zone – Wooden Construction.
The timber industry fair at Ptak Warsaw Expo will be accompanied by a rich program of additional events, including: numerous trainings, conferences and professional workshops as well as competitions for professionals. Additional events will include, among others, the Wood Industry Forum, during which topics such as “furniture production from design to assembly”, “building with wood to protect the environment” or “automation in the wood and furniture industry” will be discussed.
The fair is a great opportunity to learn about market trends and novelties, acquire valuable know-how, as well as expand your network of contacts and build lasting business relationships. In 2019, 8 out of 10 visitors entered into new business relations directly at the fair organized at Ptak Warsaw Expo. On the other hand, 73% of fair visitors declare that they make important business decisions thanks to participation in the fair.
We invite you to read the detailed information about the Fair of Wood Processing Technology and Furniture Production – Wood Tech Warsaw Expo and the accompanying events!
Thousands of professionals in one place

Thousands of professionals in one place
Wood Tech Warsaw Expo is a must-see event for all companies and specialists related to wood processing and furniture production. Participation in the largest fairs dedicated to representatives of the wood industry will contribute to the wide promotion of your brand.
The wood industry fair at Ptak Warsaw Expo is a unique opportunity to present your products and services to thousands of professionals related to wood processing and furniture production. Being part of this international event, exhibitors have a chance to hold talks with representatives of the wood industry from Poland and abroad. The fair is an excellent platform for building valuable business relationships that will result in new contracts.
During the 3 days of the Wood Tech Warsaw Expo fair, the latest products, technologies and solutions on the wood market will be displayed. The huge exhibition area dedicated to the organization of the event will allow you to present a wide range of equipment, machines and tools for woodworking and furniture production. The following companies have already confirmed their participation in the event: RAWLPLUG, CORMAK, DREW-TOM, FELDER GROUP POLSKA SP z o.o., Wood-Mizer Industries sp z o.o., CNC Serwis Krzysztof Reszczyński / HIMNET, Metal-Technika Rafał Cygan, HOUFEK a.s., a także: Neu-Jkf, edWood, Amicus, Becker, Semper, Aspi czy Woodinspector, DPS Software, Sanox and many other representatives of recognized brands.
See who will visit your stand:
• Foresters, representatives of ZUL
• Owners of sawmills
• Producers of biofuels from wood waste
• Producers of construction joinery
• Producers of floors and stairs
• Manufacturers of interior furnishings
• Producers of wooden houses
• Owners of carpentry workshops
• Craftsmen
• Carpenters
• Producenci mebli
• Właściciele zakładów meblarskich
• Samodzielni rzemieślnicy, stolarze
• Monterzy elementów wyposażenia wnętrz
• Producenci wyposażenia wnętrz
Scientific and teaching personnel, students and adepts of educational units related to the fields: Forestry, Carpentry, Wood technology, as well as associations and chambers of commerce operating in Europe.
Plan your participation in the fair and take part in the largest event for the wood industry!
Achieve success at Wood Tech Warsaw Expo

Achieve success at Wood Tech Warsaw Expo
The Fair of Wood Processing Technology and Furniture Production – Wood Tech Warsaw Expo is primarily a contracting event addressed to business representatives. During the three days, Ptak Warsaw Expo will be a meeting place for suppliers of woodworking techniques and technologies as well as representatives of carpentry companies and furniture manufacturing companies.
Wood Tech Warsaw Expo is the first fair in Poland dedicated to the broadly understood wood industry. The event is dedicated to producers, importers, traders, distributors, processors and end users of products. Participation in the most important industry fairs will strengthen your position on the market.
The fair is a great place to invite your potential customer base and present your products to them in a working mode. This is one of the few occasions when you can meet so many customers in such a short time.
The Wood Tech Warsaw Expo fair has its source in the International Fair of Innovative Industrial Solutions – Warsaw Industry Week, which has been successfully held at Ptak Warsaw Expo for 6 years. Initially, wood processing was one of the zones of industrial fairs, but due to the dynamic development of the event and suggestions from exhibitors – we decided to organize a separate fair, dedicated exclusively to the wood and furniture industry.
The previous edition of the Warsaw Industry Week was visited by over 13,000 guests, most of whom were professionals, who will certainly appreciate the opportunity to learn about the full specification of the product they are interested in, as well as the opportunity to observe machines and devices at work.
The huge space dedicated to the organization of the event allows exhibitors unlimited possibilities of presenting their offer. Appropriate care for the visual impressions and aesthetics of the stand, as well as effective communication, especially before the event begins, will certainly draw more attention of event participants to your offer. By following the tips below, you will strengthen your participation in the fair, and also save a lot of stress and money when organizing your stand.
Before participating in the fair, think over the concept of your stand. Consider which machines are most important to you – it will allow you to fully use the space and arrange the equipment of your stand.
Once you have the plan, it’s time to move on to the stand equipment. Its most important elements are:
Branding – the first element that visitors look for at the stand is a logo or company name. Using banners or – to enhance the effect – an LED screen on which you can display how your machines are working in the production process.
Lighting – one of the most important elements of the stand, which will allow you to fully display the latest machines and tools. The intelligent play of lights will definitely increase the attractiveness of your stand and product.
The floor – complements and emphasizes the aesthetics of your stand, which we can see in all trade fair centers around the world. Therefore, the cover of the stand area is obligatory at Ptak Warsaw Expo.
Power connection – imagine that you are about to get a new customer, but he needs to urgently use his phone, which is dead. Of course, you offer him a charger, but … you don’t have a power connection at the stand. So, when asked if the electricity at the stand is important, we answer – of course!
A meeting place – the fair is tens of thousands of people and hundreds of attractions that generate a lot of noise. When planning your stand, remember about an elegant and well-equipped place to which you will invite potential contractors to make a deal.
The above few tips will surely help your company to achieve success at the fair. If you have questions and are looking for an idea for the implementation of your stand, browse our catalog and contact us – we will create something special together!
Attractions and activities
The stand must have substantive value, but in order to present it, visitors must be effectively gathered. The attractions you prepare will be of key importance here. Your brand ambassador presenting products, the possibility of active testing or awards for trade fair participants are just some of the ideas that will help distinguish your stand.
Also, do not forget about reliable human capital during fairs. Experts who go out to the client and attract him to the offer in an accessible way will be much more effective than one employee hidden in the depths of the exhibition.
Preparing new products is a great idea to involve and attract existing customers to the stand. We know from experience that all new products and premieres interest visitors the most. This is a great opportunity to refresh business relations with current partners and deepen cooperation.
All of the above elements make up the most important one – appropriate communication regarding the presence at the fair. As an organizer, we provide thousands of visitors and offer a wide range of pre-trade marketing collaboration using our channels. What we need to support you are announcements of attractions.
The fair is also a good place to invite the base of your potential customers and present them face-to-face products. This is one of the few occasions when you can meet so many customers in such a short time. During the Fair of Wood Processing Technology and Furniture Production, exhibitors can take advantage of the additional Hosted Buyers program. It is an effective initiative aimed at finding new business partners and developing companies abroad.
Shared success
A successful fair for our exhibitors means a sense of a job well done. We believe that this article will be useful for you and will allow both exhibitors and visitors to get the most benefit from participating in the Wood Tech Warsaw Expo. At each of the above stages, of course, we provide the necessary substantive support, and more details can be found in our “become an exhibitor” tab.